A Leo woman care-less about how you feel about her opinion or idea, there is no room for pretense for her. Whatever thing she utters out of her mouth comes directly from her heart.

“Leo Woman ain’t afraid to speak the
most cruel truth when she needs to”
This Leo woman quote is such a dynamic one, she controls virtually everything that comes her way but not her generosity. As long as she cares, she will spend just to make others happy.

“When she wants to get
gift for the person shecare about, Leo woman don’t think about the price.”
Have you ever had a girlfriend that claims broke yet spends money from no visible source? I still do. You wonder where the money is coming from? She is such an industrious person and can make money from more than one source.

“Leo women are never
broke, when a Leo woman is broke, she stillget money.”
She is such a unique creature, there are things you probably think she won’t be able to account for but to your greatest surprise she will give a detailed report on it. She doesn’t forget things so easily.

“She keeps records. The little things you think Leo woman forget are things she remember the most.”
Only men can relate well with this, when you get laid by a Leo woman, she

“Leo women are pro in the other room.”
When you enter into a bar or step on the dance floor, I bet the first woman you will catch a glimpse of is Leo. She likes being the be at the center of attraction of everybody around her so she will do anything to make sure everyone notice her and feel her presence.

“Leo woman: She is got a special way of getting your attention without stress.”
She is born of the royal blood, she isn’t just anybody so when she walks, her real nature

“When a Leo woman
walk , she walks like a Queen.”
When a leo loves a someone, she does with all your heart because she is real, she don’t pretend. Even if the guy is slow in his approaches a leo wouldn’t mind helping him a bit. She is not cheap, it is because her love is real and genuine.

“Leo woman gives the most pure, deep and sincere love.”
A Leo woman is difficult to control. It isn’t that she’s proud, but she truly believes in her judgment. Her opinion is always the best, her ideas are the greatest. Also, her freedom is principal to her, Leo women don’t joke with their liberty to do things on their own without interference or control. She definitely

“Leone is born to dominate, you ain’t gonna be able to control her.”
Naturally, women are known to be the greatest

“She prefers action than words. Leo women do more of action than talking.”
When you are down, when you are soaked in turmoil of life and solution isn’t forthcoming, the best person you can have as a friend is Leo woman. There has never been anything that is out of control for her, she always finds a way to get everything under control.

“The most used sentence of Leo woman: Trust me, I got this.”
They love, appreciate gifts and help no matter how little they are. she wouldn’t mind how little the gift is but how sincere you are with the gift. This means a lot to her.

appreciate little gift no matter how small, genuine intention moves her”
As a Leo woman, you know what you know.

“When it comes to proving her point, she doesn’t lose an argument.”
She is boss on her own, hence she doesn’t see any reason to reckon with other people style of dress. Instead she sets a standard for others, she see herself as a moon among stars which is worthy of emulation.

“Leo woman doesn’t follow fashion trend, she creates fashion.”
Her bossy attitude has covered or killed her sense of reasoning. She knows when to keep quite but when she feels that her integrity is been trampled upon she doesn’t keep quite.

“A Leo knows when to be quiet, but it’s never gonna happen when she is being violated.”
If only every other person on earth could be like a Leo, hypocrisy won’t be a thing and the world will be a better place to live in. She wouldn’t mince words when it comes to speaking the truth. The truth is sacred and must be guarded with utmost diligence. She wouldn’t compromise it for all the dollars in the world.

“She is never afraid of speaking the bitter truth when she needs to”
Every man wants a woman that will love him completely. They want to be with the woman that gives them a sincere, genuine, pure and deep love and that woman is Leo. The world loves a Leo because the qualities they possess are scarce. These qualities make them stand out tall and most importantly help them make a positive impact everywhere they go. This lifestyle is cherished not only by men but also women as well.

“Every good man wants to be with a Leo woman because she is real.”
A Leo woman does not like competition not because they are scared of losing but for the fact that they see themselves better. They believe in themselves to make a better impact than any other fellow.

“A Leo woman is the head chick, she is always in charge, she doesn’t share her throne with anyone. She is the boss lady.”
She can work all round the clock for things she believes in and can go to any length of commitment as long as it makes her happy. When she doesn’t like your idea, she can be so lazy to get the work done. Most might tag her as being self centered but in the real sense, she is just being selective.

“Leo can work hard like a mad dog and also lazy like
housecat .”
For men, if you want love, respect

“You want Love, Loyalty, honesty, and respect, get a Leo woman”
And here a few more AMAZING ones..

Lady Leo:
She needs no fancy clothes to make her look sexy.
She needs no man by her side to make her look sturdy.
She needs to tell no lies; her honesty is her beauty.
She is smart in thehead, and courageous in the heart, confident in herself, and compassionate in her thoughts, independent and able, strong and graceful.

Lady Leo:
Always caught between a strong mind and a fragile heart.
Sara completed her US Based writer who completed her B.A degree from the University of Leeds. She later completed her masters from Aston University and works as a Freelancer currently. She loves creative writing and holds a strong command creating Quotes and Paragraphs