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How a Capybara Animated Meme Sparked a Trend on Social Media

The capybara coconut doggy became viral fast as it uses a very cute animation and it is very relatable.

The meme came from a video posted by the Twitter user @GiIvaSunner, both on his Twitter account and his YouTube channel. It took off almost instantly and was used by other users to gain visibility as part of jokes or parodies. 

If you want to find out everything about this animated meme, and how it reached the top of the internet trending, keep on reading! You might want to use it too once you understand its effect on the audience and you wouldn’t regret it!

What is this Meme?

Coconut doggy is a meme created by the user Silva Gunner. His videos and memes are based on jokes or parodies of famous music videos, cartoons, or movies. Silva Gunner is the former channel Gilva Sunner, and it creates bait-and-switch YouTube videos as well as comedic RIPs and remixes that are very catchy for the public.

This Capybara coconut doggy meme in particular represents a young girl with brown hair, dressed in a suit with a tie that seems slightly inappropriate for her childish appearance, and big glasses. The child is standing in front of a capybara and says “Capybara?! Capybara !!! Coconut doggy!”.  

What Is Capybara Coconut Doggy? All about this Viral Meme

We find this meme at the beginning of a video on the SilvaGunner YouTube channel that is only 27 seconds long. The video starts with 7 seconds of this capybara coconut doggy meme and continues with a list of steps on “How to email RIPS to Silva Gunner”. If the viewers want to submit their joke RIPS or parodies to the channel, they can do that by following the how-to steps explained in the video.

What about the line “Capybara?! Capybara!!! Coconut doggy!”? 

The line “Capybara?! Capybara!!! Coconut doggy!” is the only line in the 6 seconds of video from which the meme was extracted. The child-like animated character expresses their surprise at the encounter with a capybara and they show a lot of excitement at the same time. 

But they are not only excited to discover a capybara. They are also surprised that this animal looks like a “coconut doggy”. The coconut doggy metaphor comes from the fur of the capybara, which resembles the coconut shell in both color and texture. And the child-like animated character seems to be excited to discover this detail, which is why they go from identifying the animal in front of them as a capybara to identifying them as a “coconut doggy”.

How did this funny viral Meme start and How it went Viral on the Internet?

The meme started as a short bait video on Silva Gunner’s Twitter and YouTube channels. It was first posted in September 2022 and in less than one year it conquered the internet. The capybara coconut dog meme was created to attract attention to a message posted by Silva Gunner in a YouTube video. And it did that successfully!

Well, people saw the potential in this meme for several reasons. For once, the meme itself is very cute and well done in all its details. Both the animated character and the capybara are created in a way to sparkle excitement in the eyes of the viewer. 

Second, at a closer look, the capybara does look like a dog with coconut fur. Plus, this giant rodent has a very friendly character, which makes it resemble a dog in this aspect too. So, many people could relate to the similarities between capybaras and dogs and found the nickname “coconut dog” very appropriate.

Last but not least, the meme is created in such a catchy way that attracts attention. So, many users started to add it at the beginning of their videos or posts to catch the eye of the audience. According to the pattern, after the capybara meme ends, the message of the user begins. Many of these messages are structured similarly to the original one by Silva Gunner.

But nowadays, only seven months after its release, the capybara coconut dog meme became part of many jokes and parodies around the virtual world.

Final thoughts

The term ‘coconut doggy’ didn’t exist before the Capybara coconut dog meme and it can’t even exist nowadays separated from the Silva Gunner’s meme. This brought a lot of advertising to the YouTube channel that launched the meme, and it enriched the internet with many jokes and entertaining videos that incorporated the coconut dog.

Irina Maria Tracy contributor 2

Irina Maria Tracy is a published author, writer, and journalist who lives in Bucharest, Romania. She completed her journalism and mass communication degree from the University of Bucharest and went on to publish some top books in the fiction genre. Some of her top books include 'Haunted Aliens' 'Vampires Rapture' 'Adverbs of Love' etc. Irina also worked as an investigative journalist for a year and even collaborated with a TV channel for a political talk show (Bah TV). She loves writing and has contributed to many top magazines and newspapers such as the 'Story Magazine' 'Curentul Newspaper' and many others.